Well Shows 2 go has been around since about May 2002, It started off with Stephanie wanting to make a site completely dedicated to the scene and a promotion type of thing..and i thought it was a great idea..so i began to help stephanie out..then i had this crazy idea pop up in that itty bitty thing up there i think its called a brain..well i decided to put on a show and steph said well lets make it a shows 2 go type thing so we can get our name out well it gradually became known as Band Camp..and well even though nothing has turned out yet we are hoping it be a great show. I have new helpers on the site and with shows and promotion and that is EveLynn Kane,Dana Inferrara and Nicole Miller, so right now its just us 4 working on everything but i am slowly teaching them the ropes. i am going for a internship with a record company later to be announced and i will be taking college courses for the music industry. as of now im just all about fun. I love promoting and setting up local shows and hope to run tours. if your band needs any help our would like me to be your " booker " just let me know because we are gradually moving up the scale to get us where we want to be.