
Hey wasup Day*Day here..Wow you guys probably havent checked in a while figuring that there has been no updates or shit.. but yo i just wanted to let you know about some changes... i have new people working with me now so i will more then likely keep this as a weekly updated site... i am contacting big time bands to start headlining at some great shows so keep updated. But as for now i wanted to say that Band Camp was fucking great. thanks to each and every one of you who came out and rocked with us. it was greaty appreciated. Also Lil' Dana ( a name u should get familiar with ) set up a second kik ass Shows 2 Go event this will be held October 19th at the VFW with some kik ass bands like Left Behind and the Goodwill..Also this is a CD Release Show for Drive Faster and Otis Punk ( u gotta buy it!! ) So you know this is a show you just cant miss!!!! Thanks a bunch and i'll get with ya later..

Day*Day n Dana


Band Camp 2002... August 16th
Franklinville VFW
2179 N. Delsea Drive
5 to 11 p.m doors open at 4
price is $9.00

August 17th
186 Maple Ave. Cedarville Nj
( Mike McGarity's house )
5 to 11 p.m
price is $8.00



Woah guys guess what!?! We are still alive. im sure that with the serious lack of updates you probably thought we were but we have just been busy with school but hey now that school is out we are totally dedicated to the site. recently I (day day ) have been to some pretty rockin shows. I've gotten the chance to hear some new bands like The Deferred.. Marginally Passing..5 days ahead..red number 40..and many many more. yes they all rock. you can check out the shows section for the chance to check out some of them. Anywayz as for Band Camp..there are so many changes that are going to be added. and bands..well yeah...check out the shows section for more on that too..and i was thinking...how many of you out there will actually come to the show both days? well im hoping ALL OF YOU because we really need you guys to support this. this show is an out of pocket show. yes thats right im spending nearly 800 to 1,000 dollars on this show..and im really hoping it will help out this site alot...so yeah. . . . GOOO!!! he he he... anyways i just got home from a rocking show at brenners with days like these and they totally rocked out!! within the next few days we will be adding a CD review and Show Review section wich will give you the true inside scoop on how shows went and what cd's to spend your money on. well thanks for being there for us and dont stop rockin out.

Day*Day n steph


Hey whats up? dayna here and guess what!? Links section is finished!! i just wanted to let you know that we do have a mailing list now and it is set up at the bottom of this page included with the guest book so if you want the weekly scoop on shows and inside information on tours and bands then hurry up and sign up. pretty soon we will have a promotion portion up..dedicated to all those hardcore fans like me and steph that just love to promote. so keep lookin. love you guys!

Day*Day n steph


Hey whats up everyone!? I wonder if you's made it out to the show in cedarville this weekend? well if ya didnt here's what happened? LoL. Unfair Advantage and With or Without didn't play because Ali was being a bitch and decided to cut them. but the show was still good. A Basement show in Mike's house. sounds wonderful huh. Thank god we werent outside. you wouldnt last 5 minutes withouth getting torn up by little critters. Leila Jordan Evelynn and I sat inside of the car for about 30 minutes with members of losing ground trying to avoid them. All the bands played greatly. Landis started the show off great. The Pushovers were great. Even though they dont like to think so. Check them out at The Pushovers and let them know what you think. Innercore and Losing Ground were amazing! Losing Ground has some great new songs so make it to one of their shows and give them a listen. LoL Innercore rocked out. Aaron Stampa announced that he is now in another band too. They are not yet named but they will be playing May 24th at the memorial school along with landis,the pushovers,and more. SO please try to make it out there and not only support the bands but support the cause. This is a benefit show to fight cancer. Aint that sweet! Now go. Also this weekend. well tommorrow the 19th at the VFW there will be another great great show. June Spirit,Losing Ground,Unfair Advantage and lots more. try to make it out there. doors open at 4 and its 7 bucks. This will be the first in a long time and last for a while show by the june spirit because they are on tour this summer. try to get to some of the shows. we will also try to get a interview with The June Spirit and Losing Ground this weekend. well thats it for now. be sure to come back for updates. Thanx alot. Much Love

Day*Day n steph


Hey Hey Hey! Its a wonderful day. Ha Ha. Im hoping everyone of you's have heard about the Rocky Horror Picture show that goes on in the vineland amc on the weekends? well if you havent its about time that you go. Rocky Horror has not had its amount of visitors like usual and it turns out if a certain amount of people dont show up this weekend they will shut it down! We dont want that ya see? So please load up your car with rice and crazy shit and head out there this weekend. Its at the Vineland AMC. I'd also like to make sure all you know about the show this friday at Mike Mcgarity's house. its going to be a pretty awesome show so try and make it. For mor information e-mail AKIDINTHECROWDLG@AOL.COM in other news ha ha that sounded cool John Comparri ( the guitarist from losing ground ) is turning 20 this wednesday. LoL my he's old. So just e-mail him or IM him and let em know ur thinkin of him. you can get his e-mail address or AIM from their site. www.losinggroundmusic.com HAPPY BIRTHDAY POODLE!

Day*Day & Steph


Hey whats up? We are putting up a lot of new crud on the site (ha ha ha ha) i hope you dont get confused by it! But give us some time and everything will be finished. Band Camp booking is just about final. Be sure to check out the shows section and look at the great line-up we have for ya! I also wanted to let you know that i have been chatting with the drummer from Dumbstruck and well they'd really appreciate it if you'd go check out their site and give their guestbook a sign..Thanx SOoOoO Much!!

Day*Day & Steph


Hey everything is almost finished on the site...we are still working on alot..soon we will have a mailing list and a street team so be sure to sign up for them. The shows section has been updated and it looks pretty spiffy. Band Camp booking will be closed soon. We mite have a slight problem with the date of that..but if so we will move it to the first week in August ( wink wink Chris ) lol ok enought of that..here are some more updates.. The pushovers have new shirts so be sure to get to their site and get one..And they will be in the studio recording their 2nd Ep..so be sure to pick it up. Losing Ground's new site is up so make sure you take a look. Its awesome! Losing Ground has been doing extremely well recently and I think they deserve madd props...so get ahold of them and tell them what you think. They will be also having new shirts available soon so GO GET THEM. I would also like to add that im sorry for the lack of updates but I will be sure to keep up on them from now on. Thanx Soo Much for being behind us. We appreciate it!!

Day*Day & Steph


Hey whats up? seems like quite a few of you's are interested. Here is the line up so far for the show. Spread the word. Its definite date is AUGUST 16TH! Mark your calendar's. The place is to be announced!

Day*Day & Steph


Hey whats up? sorry for the lack of updates but there havent been any shows we have been to recently. But for now here is some new information for your curious little minds. With or Without is heading to the studio next weekend to record their new Ep so keep your eyes peeled for that and be sure to pick it up. I (dayna) am now in a band too so i have to priorities..this site and the band lol . We are called Project Youth. consisting of Jeff (guitar), Austin (bass), and Zach (drums) of course I am the singer. So please be sure to check us out and give us some support. I am kinda worried that you guys mite not be into seeing a chick singer.. Ya know? Anywayz if you guys havent yet heard about "Band Camp 2002" its time you know about it. Band Camp 2002 is the very first "shows to go" featured event it will be held in August. Sometime between the 16th and the 20th. We are booking bands at the moment so if your not already booked and would like to be then please contact me at geekypunkfries@aol.com or stephanie at cheeseandpunkers@aol.com. We are hoping to book as many bands as possible and payment will be based on the amount of people at the show. Unless your willing to play for free. ( hint hint hee hee ) Hopefully we will get a good turn-out. We are planning on having very high promotion. At the moment I currently booked about 9-12 bands. So if your a band thats looking to get known, or just wanna make your mark then get ahold of me.

Day*Day & Steph


Holy Crud Everyone!! The show last nite at Jd's house was awesome. Yes, it was cold...but fuckin great. All the bands played a great set including my 3 favorites.. Innercore,37 Slurp,Losing Ground (<- Despite what John says,I think they played great like usual ). 37 Slurp was just fucking terrific. They threw it all out there.. Pecker and all. And mite I say, a lovely pecker. Lmao! We cant forget "rocka prince" thompson's ass and tits can we? Oh yeah baby that belly-button turns me on!How about you? Innercore got the pit going and that was awesome, even tho steph and I got our asses kicked. Steph with a *klonk* on the head, and me with a very very badly bruised shoulder. ** NO THANX TO THE 30 YEAR OLD MOHAWK DUDE **. Blough did a good job protecting me and a few friends though. Thank Blough! Losing Ground did great as usual, everyone is looking forward for their tour with slurp this summer right? You better be. As for the end of the nite, Me still in my bra..about to die, Deadbeats were up. I think the crowd got a lil frightened because everyone backed up, But as soon as the "chicken feet" & "*blood*" was gone, they made their way back up to the stage to rock out. Good Job Barret & band. Well as the nite progressed and the show came to a end, i think everone went home with a smile. I wanna say thanx to everyone who made it out there, and a GREAT FUCKING JOB to all the bands who played!!!!

Day*Day & Steph



Day*Day & Steph


hey whats up..I just wanted to say that the show on the 29th was great.. a pretty good turn out but the crowd was amazing..With Or Without was up first at 6 and i must say they did pretty dizaam good..You have to give these 3 credit just a few weeks ago this band was a 5 piece and now its down to 3.. But they didnt give up and thats excellent. Keep going at it guys! I'll always be a supporter! As for other bands playing that nite I must say they all did an excellent job. Losing Ground definitely upped the crowd like usual and things started jumping..Literally the floor beneath me was moving. Great Great Great job Losing Ground! Still Standing also rocked the show with not only their great great looks but their talent. And now they are sponsored isnt that great!?!? Yes Congratulations to Chris from Losing Ground for catching the skateboard! Many of you may know that "shows 2 go" was supposed to interview them but well Stephanie couldnt make it and the equiptment is out so im progressing with the interview myself. It will be up on the site in a week or so, including alot of other updates. including tours and other upcoming shows..so check back with us!

Day*Day & Steph


Hiya..Day Day here just upping you on some current events...OoOo Yeah Baby..You were waiting for this weren't you? Well for starters there is going to be a show this Friday at the VFW it begins at 5:30 and cost is 7.00..For bands and other information click on "other events"...Now, I have heard many people saying Saturday is the show..But just so you know..ITS NOT. Friday, people Friday..And lets try to make this one a good one. No Thefts People. A "punk" show is somewhere we we can all get together and hang out. You should be able to trust the people your around because your all alike. Music brings people together, not tear them apart. So once again lets make this a good one. Also as for new cd's and such, You may already know that Innercore's Cd is out & available.. (its AWESOME ) You can order your copy from Innercore or pick one up at the show on April 5th in Millville. Days like These..Wow now there's a band we havent heard from in a while..Well here's some great tid-bits of information i got from the buddy boy Mark. Their second cd is availabe.. (Woo-Hoo) so get it!! Thats all there is too it..Buy it, Lick it, Hump it, i dont care wut you do with it...but support them and buy it! Also Days like These is curious about beginning a "basement tour" thats rite they are looking to tour in your house, with a possible 2 or 3 other bands.. Now wouldnt you love to be a part of that? You know you would..For more information check out Days Like These or you can e-mail mark at DaysLikeThese007@aol.com I believe thats just about it for now but be sure to keep in touch with updates or interviews will be posted soon i promise!!

Day*Day & Steph


Hiya everyone, hope everybody tried to get out to a show this weekend! ShowsToGo made an appearance at the Franklinville VFW where we got an interview with The Sloppy Meateaters and Over It. Also making an appearance was Losing Ground's "Grandma," who was dancing it up with her boys. Unfortunately, Dayna wasn't able to do the interviews because she had to go to the police station with Evelyn, who got her purse stolen. Thanks to absolutely everyone who helped Evelyn out with that. Mucho thanks as well to SME for being awesome, sorry we didn't get to film the "real" movie with them, we'll try next time. Also, thanks to Over It for joining us in the women's bathroom for the interview. We have some pics, more bands to add, and interviews to put up, so look for those towards the end of the week. Hopefully we'll have more of the sections up and running soon. Thanks for all your support, see you at the show!
P.S Be sure to check out the "other events" section for all upcoming shows..news..etc.

Steph & Day*Day


Hey whats up!! Great to see the site coming along huh?! Well Wowserz! We got some great news for you! Our first interview is scheduled! And can you guess who it is? Nah, Of course you couldn't how dare you even try!! It's Over It! And its gonna be Superb! Wow, Im feelin the energy here!!! Hope to see you all at the show this Sunday! and keep checkin back! We're gettin there!!

Day*Day & Stephie!


Welcome to the future home of Shows To Go, the So. Jersey Scene resource. As of right now, we are still under major construction, but we plan to be fully running withing the next few weeks. We're expecting quite a lot from this page, and we hope you do. Keep checking back for updates, and get ready for the fully functional site. Thanks for your patience. Get out there and support the scene!!

Steph and Dayna

"Can you feel the excitement, Johnny? Can ya? It's almost like magic in the air... oh wait... its just toxic gas..."

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